The Mercy Of God

The Mercy Of God

Jas 3:17  But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. NIV

While serving as Pastor at Bethel Assembly in Lexington KY, a congregant asked if I would visit her brother in the Hospital. His name was Billy and He was in the VA Hospital dying.  I went to the Hospital after the Sunday night service and was told that I could not see Billy because the Dr was with him. I waited patiently for a while and then asked again. The Dr was not very happy with me and saw me as an intruder rather than a welcomed guest concerned about the welfare of his patient’s soul.

Finally the Dr agreed to let me in but only for five minutes. He remained beside the bed while I visited Billy. Billy was a double amputee above the knees with many health issues including a lifelong abuse of alcohol. He was also in a coma and there was no visible movement.

I quietly leaned over to Billy and began to speak in his ear. I said Billy, you are about to go into eternity but I want you to know that God wants to be here during this transition. Jesus died on the cross for your sins and wants to be your Savior. All you have to do is pray this prayer with me and you will instantly be welcomed into the family of God.   I prayed the sinner’s prayer with him allowing time for him to repeat after me. Then I witnessed an amazing sign. Large tears began to flow from the corners of his eyes as soon as I completed the prayer. I could not contain myself as I too began to weep. The Dr was fidgeting and was ready for me to leave. Before I ended my visit there was a new name written in Glory that evening. God was merciful in that 11th hour of his life. Praise God for His mercy which endures forever.
