Our Focus

We are committed to exalting Jesus around the world while seeking to expand His Kingdom. We have several Outreaches that enable us to facilitate this.

FB Live Devotion
each week

This is approximately 30 minutes of Bible teaching from our home in Eustis Florida.

Many who were a part of the Churches I served previously continue to stay in touch with our ministry and gain insight into Gods word. We have also added many new friends through this outreach.

Presence on Youtube

The YouTube Channel has many of our most popular Bible teachings for your viewing. We cover subjects like Hearing the Voice of God, Staying Motivated When Your Tired and Showdown With Fire.

We also have a second YouTube Channel that is used to translate our videos into Urdu (language in Pakistan) and made available for the lovely citizens there. This is quite popular and has quite a following as the videos are posted. We are seeing good fruit from this outreach.

The Path of Redemption
Opening The Seals
A Friend in Need


We also support financially an Orphanage in Pakistan that has 28 girls and 5 boys currently. The Children are there because of religious persecution and the loss of their parents.

We are on Christian television in Pakistan each week with our program being aired several. This is producing new converts and we have follow up in Pakistan for these new believers.

Many other religions watch to find out what being a follower of Christ is all about.


About Asian

Teach Discipleship Training

I teach a Discipleship Training Class weekly to 30-35 new converts in Pakistan via video Conferencing. This is so rewarding as I pour the word into their lives and see them respond so positively. They truly hunger and thirst after righteousness. It brings me great joy to lay a spiritual foundation in their lives that they will build upon and become soul winners themselves.

We are making Plans to conduct Open Air Crusades in Pakistan using video conferencing technology. This is possible because we have a team of Pastors providing leadership and coordination that we can exalt Jesus.


I am also mentoring the Director of the Orphanage in Pakistan. He has been in the Ministry for several years but has not had anyone to teach him as an Elder. This is very rewarding as well.

He also serves as the translator of all our videos from English to Urdu. He also maintains the relationships with the TV stations and studio editing that is required. What a blessing it is to spend time with this young Timothy and seeing him implement Gods plan for his life and ministry.

It is always a privilege to speak in other Churches. I have a heart for Pastors and their families and will always seek to complement their ministry. Teresa and I participate in Bible Studies and minister one on one as opportunities are available to us. Let me know if you are interested in hosting our ministry in the Central Florida area.

Natural Disaster: Working with local Food banks to provide food for our hungry fellow citizens.

Natural Disaster: Working with local Food banks to provide food for our hungry fellow citizens.

Orlando Rescue Mission

We support this ministry which provides housing for men and families in the Central Florida area. There is a Homeless Outreach and many are fed regularly. This ministry has been around a long time. While Pastoring a Church in Orlando 35 years ago, we became familiar with the vision and the Staff of this great ministry. We supported them back then and continue today.