

Discipleship Training Centers

The primary goal of these Centers is to help believers become fully devoted followers of Christ. Many have served the Lord for many years but have not been discipled in how to put on Christ daily. Others are new in the faith and need to be trained about how to develop a consistent prayer life. We endeavor to teach about the importance of spending time in Gods word especially learning how to walk out their faith in Christ. We have a very deliberate focus on the person and the work of the Holy Spirit. We desire to see the believer led by the Holy Spirit who will enable them to be more like Jesus. Some have been in a structured discipleship class for over four years.

Feeding The Hungry in Asia

There are many adults and children that go to bed hungry at night. The appeals to this ministry to do more regarding food is more than we can do. We stretch every dollar to purchase as much food as we can. I will tell you that there are times I feel overwhelmed. Thank God for our faithful partners who stand with us supporting and praying for us. I am reminded of a brave young man who took several orphaned children into his home assuming responsibility of making sure their basic needs are met. In addition he frequently goes where other homeless children gather and feeds them a simple meal of beans and rice. He sends me pictures and it blesses me to see their huge smiles for getting a meal. We have been trying to help the young man to feed and cloth the children. Please consider partnering with us to help meet this vast need.

Helping The Homeless

Each week we help feed many here in Central Florida near where we live. These displaced folks are struggling to survive another day. Some have mental challenges while others struggle emotionally. Regardless of what they are struggling with, we try to make sure they are fed as best we can.. We cannot take care of all of them but do what we can. We have outreaches in Lake and Orange County Florida. The request is more than we can meet but we do what we can. We try to be Jesus hands extended.


All of the outreaches of this ministry are focused on a primary goal which is reaching the lost and leading them to Christ. We pass out tracts and minister any way possible which exalts Christ. This includes feeding the poor, providing clothing or one on one conversation. We desire to help them to know we care but more importantly that Jesus cares. We are always looking for new ways to be the hands of Jesus extended in order then others will be drawn to Him. Please pray with us that the Lord of the harvest will give us a fruitful return on the seed sown.