Faith That Feeds and Clothes

The book of James has been labeled as practical Christianity. He was the half-brother of Jesus and gave us applied insight through his writing. The main idea of this epistle is that faith leads to authentic action. He poses the question “What does it profit if someone says he has faith but does not have works”? He then proceeds to answer this question “If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled” but do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? James 2:14-16 NJKV

James final conclusion about this subject is that when our faith is genuine, we cannot say Be warmed and filled alone. He actually questions how authentic our faith is by the works it produces.

Recently, I took some food and Gatorade to the place where it is distributed to the homeless. A middle-aged homeless man assisted me in unloading the items from my car. He was so kind, thoughtful and appreciative of what we do on a regular basis. I appreciated his kind words and assistance. It is difficult for me as an amputee to climb stairs carrying food and drink. However, the main point of this article is that many are displaced and live under a tarp or in a tent in the woods. They need help and we cannot turn them away. We cannot feed all of them but we do what we can. We feed people in both Lake County Florida and Orlando Florida. We spend hundreds of dollars each month. I am grateful that many of you have supported this ministry which allows us to do what we do. I would love to do more and we will as God provides through more partners. I close with a question for you dear reader. What is your faith producing in the form of works? Blessings to you all!

Dave & Teresa