A Friend in Need

Intro: Today we are looking into Marks gospel. Our focus will be in Mark 2. Before we read that
section, let’s get some background from Mark. The Gospel begins with John the Baptist as the
forerunner of Christ. His mission was to prepare the way of the Lord. John knew his role and
fulfilled it greatly. Jesus gave testimony to the life and ministry of John saying “there was none

  1. John declared that “There comes one after me who is mightier than I, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose. Then John baptizes Jesus in the Jordan river.
  2. Jesus is tempted by Satan in the wilderness. Jesus begins His earthly ministry “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel”. Calls 4 fisherman as disciples- Cast out an unclean spirit from a man in the synagogue- heals Peters mother in law – Healed many who were sick and cast out many demons in Capernaum – cleanses a leper- All of this in Chapter 1 Jesus then leaves Capernaum and begins preaching in all of Galilee.
  3. Key verse: 2:1 And again He entered Capernaum after some days and it was noised that He was in the house. This was probably Peter’s house and it was filled with people.
    There was no longer room to receive them.
    • The general population was captivated by His miracles and. Deliverance ministry. The religious crowd were fascinated by his preaching and the supernatural signs that followed Him. But they wanted to trip him up as it related to the law. They were threatened by what He said and what He did.

II. What type of person is your best friend? Do you have a history, a family relationship, or you
just have a special bond in your hearts for one another?

  1. Suppose you were paralyzed in your legs and was dependent upon someone to take you anywhere you needed to go, would your friends take you? Could you count on them?
  2. When it was noised that Jesus was in the house and He was healing the sick. ” Then they came to Him bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. And when they could not come near to Jesus because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where Jesus was and let down the man who was paralyzed.

Observation: When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic “Son your sins are forgiven you”.

Conclusion: I want to be that kind of friend you know the one who always points my friend to Jesus. There are times when our friends have needs are more than our capacity to help. But we can always say “can I pray with you not just today but I will be interceding for you faithfully

Listen to me friends, I don’t know the exact number of times I have heard people say “will you go pray for a brother or sister because the Drs have done all they do”. May our homes and our hearts be a place where it is noised that Jesus is there. I can count on my friends.