Let It Shine

Faith is the victory!

Our faith is a game changer for us. Our Faith is not like any other faith, It is transparent and it is transformational. Our faith gives us confidence to declare victory even when we are not sure of the enemy’s strategy. Our faith enables us to move mountains when the natural mind says you can’t do that. With God all things are possible to him that believes. Our faith tears down strongholds and removes barriers while declaring the Lord is on your side.

Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith. He is also the light of the world and as such there is a connection between our faith and the light.

Light always dispels darkness. It makes no difference about the size of the room. One match or small flashlight and immediately darkness is driven back. This is a physical reality but it is also a spiritual truth.  I Peter 2:9

The question today for all believers is WHO ARE WE? We must understand our identity in Christ and that His light flows through us. (relationally, love, faith, grace, mercy, plan, purpose) Let me help you understand Who We Are.

We are the light of the world
We are a City placed on a hill
We are a people of the word (Bible)
We are Prophetic in the sense that we know what’s going to happen (Jesus is returning for His Bride the Church)
We are Disciples
We Are Witnesses (telling others about Christ)
We are Christ Follows
We are Pastors, Evangelists, Teachers, Apostles, Prophets
We are Children of the Cross
We are the fruit of the empty tomb
We are a product of the Upper Room
We are the sheep of His pasture
We are the redeemed of the Lord
We are salt and light (metaphors to be used)
We are forgiven and favored
We are called and chosen
We are warriors and worshippers
We are world changers for Christ and History makers

What we are not! Not defined by Corp like Goggle and Microsoft nor any Corp that tries to tell us who we are a part of being a part of what Gods word says we are.

We are the Church of the Living God and the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church (body of Christ). Matt 16:17
Dictators or other religions cannot take the Church out
Lies and distortions will not change who we are
We are the Church of the living God being led by King Jesus and the Holy Spirit, empowered by the word of God and possessing an active faith
Key Point: You as a believer have the only eternal message that is true

Note: The enemy is always trying to snuff out your light or render you ineffective by covering your light. Remember what Jesus said: “You are the light of the world… Let your light shine. Matt 5

Plan of action: remove the bowls that try to cover our light. Bowls of apathy, indifference, complacency, allowing the culture to pull us back into our old habits. What about this who are paralyzed by fear and see no way out because of the fear that grips them. 

Many Spirits at work today.

Declaration for you today: There is a Spirit more powerful than all these other spirits combined. To be light requires that we acknowledge the most powerful spirits are not Pharaoh, Goliath, Jezebel, Absalom or Herod. The most powerful Spirit in all the universe is the precious Holy Spirit of Almighty God. The Spirit of the word that became flesh.

Read John 1:1-5

Time to remove the bowl. Psalm 27:1 read

At creation God said “Let there be light”. God always begins with illumination. Why? 

Jesus still sets the captive free. Jesus still saves, He still delivers us from darkness and provides light to illuminate our path.
Jesus still HEALS. I Peter 2:24, Is 53: 5
Jesus is coming soon Acts 1:11
Jesus is still building His Church. The harvest is coming in Pakistan, Revival is coming.

Conclusion: Daniel 11:32  great exploits for the people who know their God…