Greatness In You

Greatness In You

Psa 150:2  Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! NKJV



Feeling squeezed by life? Don’t let yesterday rob you of the joy of today or hold you in captivity so that you can’t live tomorrow. Remember who holds your tomorrows and He has it all under control.

Did you know that as a believer, there is greatness in you? Think about it. God the Father sent His only Son that you could be reconciled unto the Father. Next you have the Word of God which is full of life. It is sharper than a two edged sword and discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart. His Word is lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. And then there is the precious Holy Spirit that is resident in every believer. That is why I can say with authority that you have greatness in you. You have been called out of darkness into His marvelous light.

Make a decision today to allow the Father to bring you into His plan for your life so that you are not bound by the stress of yesterday and are loosed to enjoy today while having a vision for tomorrow.

