A New Image

Some of us are always pursuing another image of our self. That’s because we don’t like who we are. I’m not speaking about everyone, but some are tormented with their current image. This continual pursuit can become an obsession. We may like a part of who we are but are always striving for a makeover image. This discontentment can become a major distraction to the extent that we do not develop who God made us to be. We usually figure out somewhere along the way that we can’t wear Sauls armor to face Goliath. need to be who God made us to be. Remember Paul’s writing “I count not myself to have apprehended” (achieved my potential) But I know where I am going: “pressing toward t he mark of the high calling of Jesus”. Phil 3

Think about this for a moment. The enemy tells you things like “well if you want to be successful, you need to sing like…. Or you need to be more charming like… You need a better wardrobe… I got caught up in that during the early days of my ministry. I was mentored by a great pulpiteer whom I admired and respected. For a season I tried to preach like him as much as I could but in reality it came off as not being authentic. One day a member of the church I was serving came up to after a powerful service and said “That was a great word today and many were touched”. My delivery was much like my mentor. The church member said “there is in you a profound gifting that God has placed in you but it’s dormant because you are so busy trying to be like others you admire. God just wants to develop you as a leader-shepherd with His gifts. I was not gifted like my mentor.

There can be a false sense that this all I have right now. You need to trust God is wanting to develop you with His gifts and strengths. He wants you to lay down these facades. How do I do that? Become the Believer God has called you to be. (Teach children in Asia. I tell them often that there is greatness in you. I define greatness as Gods full potential.)

  1. Dig deep into the word on your own. God will show you nuggets that will reveal a word that us needed in our world today.
  2. Commit to a faithful prayer life. Win victories in prayer before you step out alone. Be a prayer warrior. Train those around you in your circle that these are my secrets. The word and being a prayer warrior.. Battling on your knees will greatly help you to win fierce spiritual battles..
  3. Rely heavily on the fact that you are trusting God implicitly. Verbal declaration tears down strongholds and builds the faith of those looking to be inspired.. Start today…. by telling God that you want to be all that he desires you to be. No more and no less.